Interlocutory Appeal


Bret Clement 2016

Indy Long Legs x (Planet Max x Purple Corn Dancer) x Eggplant Electricity)
38" x 6" 3 way 18 buds M Dor Dip Cascade Unusual Form, lavender, fine white edge, triangular green throat surrounded by a triangular white watermark.

I wasn’t going to introduce this one, but midway through bloom season it filed an interlocutory appeal.  So what, you ask, is an interlocutory appeal.  Most rulings in a case prior to a final decision being rendered cannot be appealed until after the final decision.  However, in some cases permission will be granted to appeal a ruling prior to a final decision.  In that case, the appeal is referred to as an interlocutory appeal.  Now aren’t you sorry you asked.  I haven’t used this one all that much, but I do have a great kid from it that will probably be introduced in 2 years. 

