Anthrazoid Border Patrol

Anthrazoid Border Patrol

Anthrazoid Border Patrol

Bret Clement 2016

Sunny Son x Taco Twister
32" x 7.5" 2 way 10-12 buds, L Dor Dip. Crispate Unusual Form, sometimes double, pale yellow, near white, green throat. 

The Anzrathoids are back and these nasty aliens have seized all of Canada, but have declined to invade the United States due to their desire to escape the Obamacare coverage requirements. Its infamous border patrol works industriously to keep healthcare refugees from entering the country. This is one of those daylilies that cried out for introduction despite its somewhat mediocre performance in the bud count department. It is an extremely variable crispate and one never knows what form the blooms will take on any given day. Moreover, it doubles about 25-30% of the time. Pollen fertile only

