Bret Clement 2015

44" x 8" EM Dor Dip 2-3 way branching, 12-16 buds, Lavender, bluish lavender purple eye, white green throat, cascade UF.
Damsel In Distress x Unseen Evidence

Unlike the "Baby On Board" sign which signifies that the vehicle is carrying precious cargo, the Cat On Board sign serves as a warning to other motorists that if the cat escapes from its carrier it may attack the driver or otherwise cause the driver to swerve while trying to extract it from under the seat, particularly if the cat thinks it is going to the vet, which is about the only reason most cats travel by car. It is one of several intros this year that I have described as a white green throat, insofar as the green throat is surrounded by an area of white that I am not sure can be described as a watermark, particularly since it also has an eye. Cat On Board often exhibits extreme rolled back form. A stunning flower.

Pollen Fertile
